How To Self-Publish A Book On Amazon (Step By Step Guide)
Amazon is a great platform in many ways, but if you blindly follow the technical steps to publish your book on Amazon without taking the time to do it right, you'll end...Read More
Amazon is a great platform in many ways, but if you blindly follow the technical steps to publish your book on Amazon without taking the time to do it right, you'll end...Read More
Readers usually ignore one of the most important pages in the book: the copyright page. In a physical book, it's usually printed on the back of the title page. In an e-Book, it comes right after the title page...Read More
The world of traditional publishing can be a mystery. Most of it happens behind closed doors, and the people who know how it really works hardly ever talk...Read More
You might have heard eBook sales are down. That's true for traditional publishing, but it doesn't take the thriving indie publishing market into account. eBooks have...Read More
Most authors don’t need to ever worry about query letters. There are two major models for publishing: traditional publishing and self-publishing...Read More
You get one chance to make a first impression. We all know this. It's why we dress up for interviews and dates. Yet, so many Authors ignore book cover fonts...Read More
In this post, I’m going to walk through the different book formats—eBook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook—and help you decide if you...Read More
I could write an entire book just on book covers. It’s a deeply interesting subject with a wealth of both art and data behind it…but I won’t do that to...Read More
Have you ever started to read a book, and on the first page--before you've engaged the actual content--you immediately get a bad feeling and can’t take the book...Read More
There are more than 500,000 books published each year in the US alone. How is a potential reader supposed to know that yours is actually good...Read More