How to Finish Writing a Book: The Keys to Getting Unstuck
One of the hardest parts about writing a book is that all the pain is experienced upfront, while most of the rewards come at the end...Read More
One of the hardest parts about writing a book is that all the pain is experienced upfront, while most of the rewards come at the end...Read More
Writing your first nonfiction book isn’t easy, especially when you’re doing it on your own. I know because I’ve been there (about 10 times)...Read More
No one wakes up every single day with the motivation to write—not even Authors with major bestsellers under their belt (like me). There will be days...Read More
A memoir is a powerful way to share the story of your life. It tells your family, children, grandchildren, and all the generations to come who you are...Read More
One of the biggest misconceptions about writing a book is what it takes to be a good writer. People think that if they want to be a better writer, they're...Read More
You might think that because you're writing a book about your own life, you don't have to do any outlining for it. That’s not true. I know it's tempting...Read More
"I've never met you, but I'm gonna read your mind." That's the opening line to The Scribe Method. It does what great opening sentences should...Read More
What's the difference between an autobiography and a memoir? I'll tell you right now: Memoirs are autobiographies without the elitist attitude. Even though people say they're distinct...Read More
I can't tell you how many nonfiction writers I've seen get stuck on their first draft. Sometimes it happens in the middle of the book, sometimes...Read More
One of the biggest hurdles beginning writers have to face is the first draft. They usually have a lot of really bad ideas about what their first draft is supposed to be like and how they are... Read More