Manuscript Submission Guidelines for Scribe Publishing

If you are reading this, it means you are ready to submit your manuscript for publishing. That’s a big deal, congratulations!

Finalize Your Manuscript

Now that your manuscript is ready to publish, we just need a few more items to make sure we can start off your publishing the right way:

  1. Author Bio: You probably already have a professional bio, and if you do, then just submit that. If you do not, then it’s time to write one. You can read exact instructions here.
  2. Book Description rough draft: Don’t worry–we do NOT expect you to write your full book description. All we really need is a basic description of the book. If you want to take a shot at writing out the description you can, but be warned: our professional copywriters will be doing the official version, so don’t spend too much time on this.
  3. Locked Title & Subtitle: We cannot start the publishing process if the title and subtitle are not locked in. If you need some help getting settled, then feel free to ask the Scribe Editor-in-Chief, Hal Clifford ([email protected]). Or you can read about how to title a book here.
  4. Graphics: If you intend to have any graphics in your book, we need them when you submit the manuscript. You’ll submit the graphic files to your Publishing Manager (they will tell you how to do that later, you just need them ready).

Note that you should NOT embed the graphics in the manuscript. Instead, we ask that you insert graphic tags into your manuscript to note the proper placement of each graphic for our layout team. Just copy this graphic tag template to use within your manuscript: {INSERT FILE NAME}

  1. Final Manuscript: Your manuscript should be finalized and ready for proofreading. Keep the following in mind as you put the final touches on your manuscript:
    • Book Dedication: This is optional. It’s very simple to write, you can read exact instructions here. This goes in your actual manuscript, at the beginning.
    • Acknowledgements: This is optional as well. This is almost as easy as the dedication, you can read exact instructions here (or Google “Scribe acknowledgements” or read Chapter 6.3 in The Scribe Method). This goes in your manuscript, at the end, after the Conclusion.
    • No Table of Contents: We do that for you. Yes, you can do it, but we literally delete it and start again.

Manuscript Submission Form

  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.