Scribe Book Publishing

The premier self-publishing service for professionals who want to put out the highest quality book possible.

Scribe Book Publishing Services

You’ve already done the hard part—you’ve written your manuscript. We’ll help you turn that manuscript into a gorgeous book positioned for success through professional publishing, marketing, and distribution.


What goes into turning my manuscript into a published book?

Perfect Your Manuscript

Full Manuscript Evaluation

An editor will read your manuscript and list the strengths and areas of concern.

Receive Quality Assurance Edit

Full copy edit and final proofread to remove spelling and grammar mistakes.

Create Your Book

Oversee Your Cover Design

Your team will design a cover based on your ideas, feedback, and final approval.

Create Your Interior Layout

We’ll construct a professional interior layout with the look and feel you desire.

Publish Your Book

Publish and Distribute Your Book

After determining your exact publishing goals, we’ll position your book for launch.

Lock Down Your Marketing Strategy

We’ll prepare a custom marketing plan specifically for your goals and audience.

2,000+ Authors across 25+ different industries have unlocked their wisdom with Scribe

Who Not How
The Last Black Unicorn
Can’t Hurt Me
Never Lose a Customer Again
Short-haired brunette male in dark shirt smiling.

“It’s like magic. You know how when you get an iPod and it just works? Or when you tap for an Uber, and it just works? That’s what the Scribe process feels like.”

-Chris Desi, Author of Remarkable You

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