Scribe Book Coaching

A NYT bestselling Author walks you through our proven method for structuring, publishing, and marketing your book.

Scribe Book Coaching Services

We equip you with guidance, accountability, and support so you can focus on one thing—writing!


How can I write my own book within a year?

Plan Your Book

Two men studying a document at a table against a teal and black abstract background.
Define Your Strategy, Outline, and Positioning

We’ll help you define your idea, audience, objectives, and create an outline.

Work With a Professional Book Coach

You’ll work with an expert book coach to position your book, outline, and review your writing.

Receive Full Guidance and Accountability

Through regular coaching sessions and accountability exercises on our Guided Author community, you’ll write.

Create Your Book

Person operating a scroll saw, cutting a wooden board.
Oversee Your Cover Design

We create a unique cover design based on your vision for the book.

Create Your Interior Layout

We construct a professional interior layout ensuring it meets your goals.

Publish Your Book

Smiling woman writing in a notebook against a teal abstract background.
Publish and Distribute Your Book

Determine your distribution goals and retail channels for your launch.

Lock Down Your Marketing Strategy

Resolve the best positioning for your book with a step-by-step plan to execute.

2,000+ Authors across 25+ different industries have unlocked their wisdom with Scribe

Who Not How
The Last Black Unicorn
Can’t Hurt Me
Never Lose a Customer Again
A person with glasses and dark hair wearing a red scarf and white top is in front of a blurred background.

“This process changed my life. I have never had such an amazing team. I can’t imagine trying to write a book without this support, knowledge, and love.”

-Brita Long, Guided Author Alumn (Soon She Will Be Dead)

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